Saturday 18 May 2013

Happy Birthday Ayah - 53-

Order from Jannah for her father's 53rd birthday. Red velvet cake. On the same day, 1 red velvet cake for Chili Merah also.

Friday 17 May 2013

Happy Birthday Arween & Aqil, Welcome Back Mak Long (Red Velvet Cupcake)

It has been a while since I last updated my blog and as usual my excuse is always busy. A very busy week indeed. Lots of stuff to do. So little time. : D . So, today, I'm going to share the picture of red velvet cupcake   S size ordered from Syima. Thank you Syima.

2 Boxes of cupcakes ..

Sunday 5 May 2013

Red & Blue Candy Buffet - Fuza & Zarrul

On 28/04/13 in Bukit Kepong, Johor, my cousin's wedding Fuza was held. She requested red and blue candy buffet. Its very interesting especially it is held in kampung area.. The wedding is "happening". Lots of people and most importantly good food.

These are the pics of the candy buffet:

Seriously the kids are waiting even though I've not finish setting up the table .. hehehe .. very challenging..

cupcakes : vanilla with buttercream with cute cupcake topper with names of bride and groom

Marshmallow tree

customized chocolate

personalized signage

Look at the kids and adults at the candy buffet.. sure was a hit .. :D

Anyone interested, do contact me for these personalized candy buffet. 0192681343.