Thursday 14 February 2013

Candy Buffet

 My 1st candy buffet is for my sister's wedding, Aishah and Arshid at Dewan Sri Seroja on 09 Feb 2013. It is purple and silver themed wedding. On the table, there are chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, red velvet cake, blueberry cheese tarts (my 1st attempt , alhamdulillah it turn out very nice- received lots of compliments), chocolate chip cookies, chocolate mix cookies in which I made it myself. Also, there are 2 marshmallow trees in a bucket, jelly beans, lollipops, fox's sweets, popcorns, customized chocolate bar and butterfly marshmallow.

Candy Buffet table setting

Marshmallow tree
The yummy dessert, snack and candies on the candy buffet
I've used purple table cloth and 2 silver runner and arranging the container nicely. A lot of decoration and signage for this candy buffet is personalized for Aishah & Arshid. The signage design/ chocolate wrapper is similar to their card, and I even made personalized container for the candies with their name and date of the ceremony. It was a fun and interesting journey and still a lot to be learned.

Purple cupcake tower
Not only kids keep coming back to the candy table, adult also keep on coming to the table. :)

Purple and silver candy buffet

Please do contact me via email, or phone (text/sms, what's app and BBM) for further information. This candy buffet can be made according to your budget, just let me know and we will work out something for you.

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